
Virus:features, structure ,clasification of virus, genetic analysis of phage, animal virus and plant virus.

Viruses  features structure clasification of virus genetic analysis of phage animal virus plant virus Features S imple, noncéllular (consisting of one or more molecules of either DNA or RNA enclosed in of protein). Reproduce only within living cells ( obligate Intracellular parasites). Smalle than prokaryotic cells( ranging in size from 0.02 to 0.3 um).                         Smallpox virus is largest virus (200 nm in diamete) .                  Polio virus is the smallest virus (28 nm in diameter). A fully assembled infectious virus is called a virion ( function of the virion is to deliver its DNA or RNA genome into the host cell so that the genome can be expressed) . S tructure Very diverse, Varying widely in size, shape and chemical composition  Nucleocapsid composed of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein capsid. protein capsid. Capsids- formed as single or double prot...


EUKARYOTIC CELL FEATURES, STRUCTURE, ORGANELLES AND FUNCTIONS FEATURES OF EUKARYOTIC CELL Cell- structural and functional unit of organism Nucleus is present . DNA complex with histone present More than one chromosomes Mitosis and meiosis occurs Ribosomes are 80S(cytosol) & 70S (organelles) Membrane bound organelles are present Sterol present in plasma membrane Cell wall made of cellulose(plant), chitin(fungi), and absent in animal cell STUCTURAL OF EUKARYOTIC CELL PLASMA MEMBRANE Dynamic ,fluid structure & selectively permeable membrane. Fluid mosaic model made of lipid bilayer , protein(integral and peripheral protein) and carbohydrates. Plasma membrane in human (43% lipid & 49% protein by weight)  Plasma membrane in mouse liver cell(54% lipid & 46% )protein by weight. Carbohydrates (5-10%). Lipid bilayer composed of amphipathic molecules(one hydrophilic head and two hydrophobic tail) consist of sphingomyelin & phosphatidylcholine (more amount in extracellula...

Prokaryotic cell :History,Features,Structure,Bacterial genome, Bacterial Nutrition, Bacterial toxin, Control of Microbial Growth

  PROKARYOTIC CELL History of Microbiology Features of prokaryotic cell Structure of prokaryotic cell Bacterial genome Bacterial Nutrition Horizontal gene transfer and genetic recombination Various Bacterial Groups Bacterial toxin Control of Microbial Growth  HISTORY OF MICROBIOLOGY Microbiology – Study of Microbes Father of microbiology – Antoni Van Leewnhoek Pasteurization(killing of microbes) – Louis Pasteur Pioneer in medical microbiology – Robert Koch Comparative study of rRNA- Carl Woese FEATURES OF PROKARYOTIC CELL Nucleus is absent DNA complex with histone is absent One chromosome Mitosis and meiosis is absent Sterol in plasma membrane 70s Ribosome Membrane bound organelle absent Cell wall made up of peptidoglycan Small ribosomal unit (16S) STRUCTURE OF PROKARYOTIC CELL Size – 0.2-2 μm in diameter and 0.5-5 μm Smallest bacteria – genus Mycoplasma(0.3 μm in diameter ) Largest bacteria – Thiomargarita namibiensis and Epulopiscum fishelsoni Shape – Bacillus (rod ), Cocc...